Unberührte Landschaften, Dorfkultur, Strände - Madagaskar mag eine Insel sein, aber langweilig ist nichts daran. Allen, die gerne etwas Besonderes erleben, bietet diese isolierte Insel Tierwelt, Landschaften und Menschen, die du nirgendwo anders finden kannst. Alle lieben Lemuren, oder? Du wirst das Leben auf der Insel ausführlich kennenlernen und auch Zeit haben, um am Strand zu entspannen. Und das Beste ist, dass du immer einen lokalen CEO (Chief Experience Officer) um dich hast, der dir den Weg zeigt und dich zu außergewöhnlichen und einmaligen Erlebnissen führt.

Reisedauer: 14 Tage

Fantastische Erlebnisse zu einem vernünftigen Preis: Komfortable Unterkünfte in der Touristenklasse, alle Highlights inklusive und genug Zeit für dich.
Fitness-Faktor 3: Du liebst leichte Wanderungen, Radfahren, Rafting oder Kajakfahren? Das ist genau dein Trip!
Einfache Hotels (13 Nächte).



Tag für Tag

  • 0. TagACHTUNG

    Früheste Abreise ab: 00:01 Uhr

  • 1. Tag

    Ankunft zu jeder Zeit möglich.

    Event: Anreise und Begrüßungstreffen (1.0h)
    Unterkunft: Belvedere Hotel

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Königspalast (**)
    Palast des Premierministers (**)
    Vogelpark Tsarasaotra (**)
    Stadttour durch Antananarivo (**)

  • 2. Tag

    Travel by private vehicle to the airport for your flight to Ifaty. Upon arrival there will be free time for optional activities in this gorgeous beach area. From diving and snorkelling, to quad biking and the well-known Spiny Forest, there are so many opportunities for adventure.

    Transport: Antananarivo - Ivato International Airport (1.0h)
    Transport: Tulear - Ifaty (1.0h)
    Freizeit: Ifaty
    Transport: Ivato International Airport - Tulear (2.0h)
    Unterkunft: Bamboo Club

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Schnorcheln (**)
    Besuch im Spiny Forest Reserve (**)
    Fahrt in einem Einbaum-Kanu (**)
    Quadausflug (**)

  • 3. Tag

    Sit back for a full day of free time for optional activities in paradise. Opt for some hiking or hit the beach.

    Freizeit: Ifaty
    Unterkunft: Bamboo Club

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Quadausflug (**)
    Besuch im Spiny Forest Reserve (**)
    Fahrt in einem Einbaum-Kanu (**)
    Schnorcheln (**)

  • 4. Tag

    Take advantage of one last free day in Ifaty and participate in one of the many area excursions. Perhaps try some diving off the coast in search of colourful life under the sea, or simply relax in the sand for one more awesome beach day.

    Freizeit: Ifaty
    Unterkunft: Bamboo Club

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Schnorcheln (**)
    Tauchen (**)
    Quadausflug (**)
    Fahrt in einem Einbaum-Kanu (**)
    Besuch im Spiny Forest Reserve (**)

  • 5. Tag

    Drive through the desert landscape, viewing Mahafaly tombs and giant baobab trees en route from the beautiful Mozambican Channel beaches of Ifaty to Ranohira. In the afternoon, visit the G Adventures supported tree planting project which is creating a green corridor to protect the biodiversity of Isalo National Park.

    Transport: Ifaty - Ranohira (7.0h)
    Event: Soa Zara Baumpflanzprojekt (1.0h)
    Unterkunft: ITC Hotel

  • 6. Tag

    Spend the day exploring Isalo National park on foot. After a short trek in a small canyon, the group will take a break from the sun and stop at a fresh natural swimming pool. Then, continue walking to the "cascades", considered among the best waterfalls in Madagascar and boasting another large natural swimming pool. If you are lucky you may see sifaka, brown lemurs, or ring-tailed lemurs.

    Event: Besuch des Nationalparks Isalo (7.0h)
    Freizeit: Ranohira
    Unterkunft: ITC Hotel

  • 7. Tag

    Enjoy a scenic journey heading north. Stop along the way at Anja Park to observe the wildlife in a reserve managed by the local community with many historical and cultural ties.

    Transport: Ranohira - Ambalavao (5.0h)
    Event: Wanderung im Anja Community Reserve
    Event: Besuch einer Papierfabrik
    Freizeit: Ambalavao
    Unterkunft: Aux Bougainvillees

    Optionaler Ausflug:
    Besuch in einer Seidenfabrik (**)

  • 8. Tag

    Travel to Ranomafana today, a little village named after the hot springs in the valley. The nearby national park is one of the most important mammal sites in Madagascar. Set out on a short or long hike through the forest of the park and get a feel for the incredible wildlife of the area. In the afternoon enjoy free time to soak in one of the hot springs, explore on your own, or relax at your accommodations.

    Transport: Ambalavao - Ranomafana (4.0h)
    Freizeit: Ranomafana
    Unterkunft: Manja Hotel

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Ranomafana National Park Visit (**)
    Schwimmen in Thermalbädern (**)
    Stadtbesuch (**)

  • 9. Tag

    Leave the rainforest of Ranomafana behind and travel by private vehicle to the colonial town of Antsirabe passing rice paddies along the way. To break up the drive the group will stop in Ambositra, a quaint town known for its woodcrafts. Spend free time here and eat lunch on your own before continuing onwards to the thermal city surrounded by volcanic lakes.

    Transport: Ranomafana - Antsirabe (9.0h)
    Unterkunft: Hotel VATOLAHY

  • 10. Tag

    Spend the whole day exploring the local life and communities of the Antsirabe highlands. Travel to Anjazafotsy for the start of the group walk. Choose between the longer or shorter option for this trail and visit villages along the route where you'll witness daily activities. Enjoy a traditional Madagascar lunch and in the afternoon opt for a cooking lesson to learn how to prepare famous Koba. Arrive back to Antsirabe in the early evening for free time. (M)

    Event: Walking Near Antsirabe
    Event: Cooking Class - Antsirabe (2.0h)
    Unterkunft: Hotel VATOLAHY

  • 11. Tag

    Travel to Andasibe and Perinet National Park with scenic stops en route. Stay in a quiet area near Andasibe which is great base for exploring the Indri Special Reserve section of this massive landscape. The journey will take most of the day, but upon arrival, the group will have the option to go on an easy night walk alongside the park to observe wildlife like, frogs, reptiles, mice, and lemurs.

    Transport: Antsirabe - Andasibe (9.0h)
    Freizeit: Andasibe
    Unterkunft: Feon'ny Ala

  • 12. Tag

    Spend the day exploring Andasibe-Analamazaotra national park and the Indri Special Reserve located 1.5km (0.93 mi) from the town of Andasibe. One of the park's primary purposes is to protect the natural habitat of the indri, a large black and white diurnal species that feeds on leaves and fruit. In addition to the indri, the park has 10 other diurnal and nocturnal lemur species, large chameleons, and the rarely seen blue coua.

    Event: Geführter Spaziergang im Andasibe-Perinet Nationalpark
    Freizeit: Andasibe
    Unterkunft: Feon'ny Ala

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Vondron'olona Ifotony Reserve (**)
    Geführter Spaziergang im Andasibe-Perinet Nationalpark (Nachmittag) (**)
    Reservat Mitsinjo (**)

  • 13. Tag

    Travel by private vehicle to Antananarivo. Spend free time here before an optional last night out on the town with the whole group. There are many places to choose from and your CEO can help you with suggestions.

    Transport: Andasibe - Antananarivo (5.0h)
    Freizeit: Antananarivo
    Unterkunft: Belvedere Hotel

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Vogelpark Tsarasaotra (**)
    Palast des Premierministers (**)
    Königspalast (**)

  • 14. Tag

    Abreise zu jeder Zeit möglich.

    Event: Tag der Abreise

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Königspalast (**)
    Palast des Premierministers (**)
    Vogelpark Tsarasaotra (**)

    Fahrplan-, Flugplan-, Hotel- und Programmänderungen bleiben ausdrücklich vorbehalten.

    (**) Von G Adventures organisierte Programme sowie Aktivitäten. Diese sind nicht im Reisepreis enthalten und müssen vor Ort gebucht werden. Änderungen vorbehalten.


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Die Highlights von Madagaskar

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