Maybe you've been to the Azores before - but definitely not like this. Spend six incredible days hiking this famous archipelago, and experience a side that few ever see. Trek to the highest lake in the Azores, wander through storied towns, and hike through some of the most jaw-dropping landscapes you ever did see.

Reisedauer: 6 Tage

Fantastische Erlebnisse zu einem vernünftigen Preis: Komfortable Unterkünfte in der Touristenklasse, alle Highlights inklusive und genug Zeit für dich.
Fitness-Faktor 3: Du liebst leichte Wanderungen, Radfahren, Rafting oder Kajakfahren? Das ist genau dein Trip!
Hotel (5 Nächte).



Tag für Tag

  • 0. TagACHTUNG

    Früheste Abreise ab: 00:01 Uhr

  • 1. Tag

    Ankunft zu jeder Zeit möglich.

    Event: Anreise und Begrüßungstreffen (1.0h)
    Unterkunft: NEAT Hotel Avenida Ponta Delgada

  • 2. Tag

    Hike from Ribeira Funda to Maia along the dramatic and beautiful north coast of the island of São Miguel. Pause to eat lunch at Praia da Viola, also known as the 'secret beach.' Along the way pass many viewpoints along the coast of the island. The tour ends in the friendly parish of Maia. After returning from the hike the group will head into Furnas town for a visit to the Terra Nostra Gardens and geothermal hot springs. While there, the group will have a chance to take a dip in the natural hot waters or wander around the 24-acre botanical garden. (F) (M)

    Event: Ribeira Funda to Maia Hike (4.0h)
    Event: Terra Nostra Geothermal Hot Spring Visit
    Unterkunft: NEAT Hotel Avenida Ponta Delgada

  • 3. Tag

    Spend the morning on a hike to the highest body of water in the Azores, Lagoa do Fogo, "lake of fire". Wander down to the shores of the lake through a forest of Eucalyptus and Japanese Cedars. Later, after a picnic lunch, travel to the Sete Cidades Parish and hike the trails for stunning views of the lakes within the caldera. (F) (M)

    Transport: Ponta Delgada - Lagoa do Fogo (0.5h)
    Event: Lagoa do Fogo Hike (2.5h)
    Transport: Lagoa do Fogo - Sete Cidades (1.0h)
    Event: Sete Cidades Parish Hike (3.0h)
    Transport: Sete Cidades - Ponta Delgada (0.75h)
    Unterkunft: NEAT Hotel Avenida Ponta Delgada

    Optionale Ausflüge:
    Ponta Delgada Foodie Walking Tour (**)
    Forte de São Brás (**)
    Jardim António Borges (**)

  • 4. Tag

    Fly from São Miguel to Terceira island, considered the capital of Azorean culture. Meet your CEO and hit the trails. Hike 9.5km on a circular route right in the middle of the island. Enjoy beautiful views of the Azinhal Valley and Biscoitos village with its rocky lava formations that meet the sea. Later, enjoy a walking tour of Angra do Heroísmo, the capital city, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. (F)

    Transport: Ponta Delgada - Angra do Heroísmo (0.75h)
    Transport: Angra do Heroísmo - Rocha do Vale Longo (0.5h)
    Event: Rocha do Chambre hike (3.5h)
    Transport: Rocha do Vale Longo - Angra do Heroísmo (0.5h)
    Event: Angra do Heroísmo Walking Tour (0.5h)
    Unterkunft: Hotel Monte Brasil

  • 5. Tag

    Es geht in die Mitte der Insel mit dem fantastischen Kontrast zwischen kleinen Feldern und jahrhundertealten Lavaströmen (auch Schwarze Lagune genannt). Hier wandern wir den Mistérios-Negros-Weg und besuchen die Lavahöhlen des Algar do Carvão. (F) (M)

    Event: Mistérios Negros trail Hike and Algar do Carvão lava caves (5.0h)
    Transport: Angra do Heroísmo - Angra do Heroísmo
    Unterkunft: Hotel Monte Brasil

  • 6. Tag

    Abreise zu jeder Zeit möglich. (F)

    Event: Tag der Abreise

    Fahrplan-, Flugplan-, Hotel- und Programmänderungen bleiben ausdrücklich vorbehalten.

    (**) Von G Adventures organisierte Programme sowie Aktivitäten. Diese sind nicht im Reisepreis enthalten und müssen vor Ort gebucht werden. Änderungen vorbehalten.


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Wandern auf den Azoren

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